Open Records

Open Records Policy

Did you know that the record(s) you are requesting may be on the Town's website?  Use the Search feature above to quickly find the record you are looking for.  Also, memos and documents are included with each committee or council packet.  Go the Agenda & Minutes page for more information.

Procedures for Obtaining Records:

  1. Request for access to a public record may be made orally or in writing to the Town Clerk.
  2. Request for access to, and inspection of, any public records may be made during typical office hours.
  3. A request for access to a public record must reasonably describe the record sought. If, after conferring with the Town Attorney, it is determined that a written request is so general as to be unduly time consuming, the party making the request may first be required to itemize his or her request which would permit reasonable compliance.
  4. The records custodian shall either fill the request as soon as practicable and without delay, or notify the requester of the authority’s determination to deny the request in whole or in part with reasons for denial.
  5. There shall be no fee for locating a record unless the actual cost exceeds $50.00, in which case the cost shall be determined by the legal custodian and billed to the requester prior to locating records.
  6. A photocopying fee will be charged to obtain copies of records.  If such fee exceeds $5.00, a cash deposit adequate to assure payment shall be required. Cost to photocopy a record is $.25 per page plus tax.

NOTE: For limitation upon access and withholding of information, see State Statute 19.36